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About Nurilounge

What is Nurilounge?

Nurilounge is a global influencer community where you can access lots of opportunities, exchange skills with other creators, and connect with brands you love!

| Philosophy

– The community by your side.

Global creators face various problems. 

Except for a very small fraction of huge creators, other creators do not enough compensation for their creator activities, especially in a foreign country.

In addition, creators have difficulties making friends in foreign countries and enlarging their relationships within the community. 

Building a community where global creators can receive appropriate compensation, easily exchange information, and enjoy being creators in foreign countries.

Nurilounge has begun to reach these goals.

| Our Rules

We focus on our members

  • Nurilounge is FREE for everyone.
  • We aim for a human relationship beyond just a collaborative relationship.
  • We do our best to help creators create content they love. 

| Our Vision

A Community to Grow Worldwide

Nurilounge started in Seoul, South Korea. New branches of Nuri Lounge will be launched in other countries soon.

We aim to provide Nurilounge services and benefits to our members in any city around the world.

We are creating a community where global creators can happily create content and receive rewards globally.

Nurilounge, Seoul. Where is the next?

We’re preparing a community onboarding session every week for you!

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The new season is coming soon! Stay tuned!